Oriental Rasin Tree
14.12.05 17:35

Oriental raisin tree

What is Oriental raisin tree?

The Oriental raisin tree belongs to deciduous/ broadleaf trees of Rhamnaceae family. The trees grow in the central-south region of the South Korea. According to the ancient herb book ‘Bonchogangmok’, it recorded that the fruit Oriental raisin tree decompose liquor and its juice is known as alcoholic detoxification and nausea stopping effects. In addition, An excellent doctor during the Tang Dynasty, Maeng Sun said in his book named ‘Sikryoboncho’, that “A southerner dropped a block of wood into a liquor jug by accident during the house repair using the wood of Oriental raisin tree. He found the liquor in the jug has changed into water.” This has excellent effect of alcohol degradation.


The extract of an Oriental raisin tree increases bioactive level of enzymes (ADH, ALDH) related to alcoholysis, thereby promoting the discharge of alcohol, and preventing liver cells from being destructed because of oxidation response of alcohol-induced poisonous substances to liver cells.




Effect of Oriental raisin tree


1. Hangover cure
The Oriental raisin tree tea or juice before and after drinking, helps hangover cure caused by alcoholysis components.


2. Jaundice prevention
Jaundice is caused by dysfunction of liver cells. Because it processes the detoxification in the human body, the Oriental raisin tree is good for jaundice as well.


3. Fatigue recovery 
The Oriental raisin tree helps fatigue recovery through the detoxification process and removing fatigue substance through antioxidant effect.

4. Constipation improvement
The Oriental raisin tree helps active enterokinesia for constipation improvement, together with the removal of the feces contained long in the intestines



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2. Anti-fatigue activity of Oriental raisin tree on a swimming mouse model through the inhibition of stress hormone expression and antioxidation. (Na CS1, Yoon SY, Kim JB, Na DS, Dong MS, Lee MY, Hong CY. Am J Chin Med. 2013;41(4):945-55.)

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