Rose Hip
14.12.05 18:05

Rose Hip

What is Rose hip?

Rose hip is the fruit of wild rose known as ‘Elixir of youth’ in the ancient Inca Empire. Rose hip contains vitamin C 60 times than that of lemon. In addition, it contains bioflavonoid to further strengthen the effect of vitamin, helping biosynthesis of collagen, main protein of skin layer. From the ancient time, it has been used as a healing agent for arthritis, cold, influenza, indigestion, bladder stone and gonorrhea.

 Rose hip fruit.



Effect of Rose hip

1. Preventing aging of skin
Rose hip strengthens capillary vessel to protect skin, regenerate skin cells and improve wrinkles.


2. Intensifies immune system
Vitamin rich contained in rose hip prevents cold and helps anti-aging by intensifying immunity.


3. Effect on diet
Rose hip has excellent diuretic effect on diet.

Related Articles


1. The clinical effectiveness of rosehip powder in patients with osteoarthritis. A systematic review. (Rossnagel K1, Roll S, Willich SN. MMW Fortschr Med. 2007 Jun 28;149(27-28 Suppl):51-6.)

: The patientness of rose hip powder in patients with osteoarthritis has been proved.


2. Rose hip herbal remedy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - a randomised controlled trial. (Willich SN1, Rossnagel K, Roll S, Wagner A, Mune O. Phytomedicine. 2010 Feb;17(2):87-93.)

: Rose hip powder in patients with rheumatoid arthritis has the effect of improving the disease.

3. Does the hip powder of Rosa canina (rosehip) reduce pain in osteoarthritis patients?--a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (Christensen R1, Bartels EM, Altman RD, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008 Sep;16(9):965-72.)

: Rose hip powder reduces the pain in patients with arthritis.

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