14.12.05 18:19


- Ingredients : This perennial plant of hypericum is used as food, medicine and herb

- Functional effect: Effective in relieving angina and stress, suppressing cholesterol and insomnia

  Source: NCCAM (The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)


Overview of Hawthorn

Hypericum is a Greek name , a compound word ‘hypo(below)’ and ‘erice(bush)’.

In Christianity, the name means sacred plant of harvest bloomed on the coffin of Jesus.

According to the classic book of oriental herbal medicine named ‘Bonchogangmok’, Hawthorn is rosaceous plant growing in European forest, and it is known as protecting a spleen, and effective especially for extravasated blood. It is known for its long history and a wide range of curing.

Leaf, flower and fruit of Hawthorn contain much bioactive substance. It provides the effect of heart disease prevention/cure, decline in cholesterol and blood pressure.



Effect of Hawthorn

1) Preventing the effect of nervous stabilization, climacteric depression/ insomnia treatment

As a stress adaptogen, it relieves the heart burden caused by stress. This relieves anxiety, stress, hwa-byung (mental or emotional disorder as a result of repressed anger or stress), insomnia and night time urinary frequency. In addition, as it improves blood flow in the brain, it is effective for thinking ability, ADD, and ADHD as well. In addition, it strengthens heart muscles to adjust heartbeat and stroke work, mitigating arrhythmia, angina, psychogenic palpitation and panic attack.


2) Preventing the effect of improving blood flow and preventing anemia and myocardial infarction

As lutein, vitexin, proanthocyanin and catechin widen the artery and brain blood vessel, and peripheral blood vessel, they are effective in improving blood flow and adjusting blood pressure, with the suppression of atherosclerotic artery hardening. 

As they improve blood flow at the terminal and relive stress and emotional stasis. Also, they provide the effect of preventing blood stasis (including varicose vein), altitude sickness/ anemia and myocardial infarction. 

Normally, it is used in the form of a hand bath product or by applying warm poultice on a shoulder. In Europe, it is widely used for joint synovial, collagen, ligament, wounded disk and sthenia, arthritis, gout and tendinitis.


3) Antioxidant effect

With its increased antioxidant effect, it relives endotoxin and stress factor to make mind and body pleasant. 

Due to the increased amount of blood flow in the whole body, it is effective for physiological and reproductive problems including infertility, early labor and stillbirth. 

As autonomic nerves are well-balanced, there will be night time cold sweat and flush, common symptoms during climacteric period disorder.


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