Vitamin B12
14.12.05 17:14

Vitamin B12

What is Vitamin B12?

As vitamin-B isolated as anti-malignant anemia factor contained in liver, vitamin B12 is stable heat and light and anti-acid soluble vitamin. It is also known as cyanocobalamine, methylcobalamine, and 5-adenosylcobalamin.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the folate metabolism process and in maintaining nerve functions.

Only small amount of vitamin B12 is necessary for our body, but it is very important element help create red blood cell, marrow, intestines, nerves and genetic substances in cells. 

Vitamin B12 exists only in animal food. The source of supply includes liver, fish and shellfish.

Hickory shad, source of supply of vitamin B12

Effect of Vitamin B12

1. Sleeping quality improvement

Vitamin B12 is good for healing of sleep disorder with improve sleeping quality and pleasant feeling in the morning.

2. Normal folate metabolism

Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to the failure of metabolism of accumulated methyltetrahydrofolate where it is difficult to create other forms of folate coenxymes which result in the folate-deficiency diseases.

3. Effect of creating red blood cells and nerve cells

Vitamin B12 is involved in maintaining normal myelin that covers and protects nerve fiber, to help create normal red blood cells and nerve cells.




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1. Methylcobalamin: a potential vitamin of pain killer. (Zhang M, Han W, Hu S, Xu H. Neural Plast.2013;2013:424651.)

: Methylcobalamin enhances nerve conduction status and promotes the regeneration of damaged nerves.

2. Effects of vitamin B12 on the corneal nerve regeneration in rats. (Romano MR1, Biagioni F2, Carrizzo A2, Lorusso M3, Spadaro A4,. Exp Eye Res. 2014 Mar;120:109-17.)

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3. Vitamin B12 supplementation in treating major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial. (Syed EU1, Wasay M, Awan S. Open Neurol J. 2013 Nov 15;7:44-8.)

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4. Evaluation of vitamin B12 effects on DNA damage induced by paclitaxel. (Alzoubi K1, Khabour O, Khader M, Mhaidat N, Al-Azzam S. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2013 Nov 11. )

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